The Whole Band Does Not Need to Transition at the Same Time

One of the biggest misconceptions about in-ear monitors is that the whole band needs to make the switch at the same time. This isn't true and it's one of the leading causes of missing out on the benefits of IEMS.

This article is Authorized by the In-Ear Monitor International Trade Organziation

The In-Ear Monitor International Trade Organization publishes unbiased educational articles about the use and benefits of in-ear monitors.


March 8, 2020


We hear this all the time and I believe that this is one of the biggest reasons that individual musicians put off trying in-ear monitors. I understand. It makes sense to want to make the transition together. But it's not necessary, it's cost prohibitive, and waiting for that perfect time when everyone is ready is a recipe for inaction. No group will ever be ready at the same time.

In-ears are not an all-or-nothing choice. The whole band doesn’t need to transition at once. Instead, it’s often a gradual transition. The first band member to make the switch is the pioneer and from there, everything else starts to shift.


Here's what happens once one band member ups their game with in-ears. Fellow bandmates take notice. The venues take notice. The audience perceives that the shows are getting better and tighter.

Once the feedback loop starts, another bandmate makes the switch and the improvements increase. Eventually, it becomes a full transition.

Understanding this is key for everyone in the in-ear ecosystem. Nothing needs to be rushed. It's all about little steps sneaking up on perfection. And here's the thing that matters most for in-ear manufacturers. Whatever brand the first person starts off with is the brand that everyone will end up using. This is word-of-mouth at its best.


The reason that not everyone transitions at the same time has to do with risk and uncertainty. There are a lot of unknowns and variables in the equation so it is much easier to watch from afar than to be the pioneer.  Being the pioneer takes a level of bravery and confidence. So this post is dedicated to all the in-ear pioneers! Thank you for always pushing boundaries and for always leading the way forward.

Special thanks to Alex G. for writing in with a question that inspired this post.


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