In-Ear Monitor Manufacturers Support Musicians & Touring Professionals During Pandemic

Each manufacturer has supported the touring community — as well as their individual employees — in so many different ways. This is what resilience looks like!

This article is Authorized by the In-Ear Monitor International Trade Organziation

The In-Ear Monitor International Trade Organization publishes unbiased educational articles about the use and benefits of in-ear monitors.


April 10, 2020

Facing a global standstill for live sound reinforcement, In-Ear Monitor manufacturers show leadership by supporting their communities. Here are a few of our favorite examples so far:


Sennheiser launched their #DontStopTheEducation Professional Audio Webinar series where they have taught classes on RF, Front of House mixing techniques, Church Production, Wireless System Management, IEM Fundamentals, and so much more. Sennheiser recruited top industry professionals to spearhead each class providing practical and informative real-world solutions to industry challenges. Take a look at the upcoming classes and teachers and register to be part of the series.


Ultimate Ears Pro launched their #MusicFromHome Series wherein they plan to donate $10,000 to the MusiCares COVID-19 Relief Fund. The donation goes hand-in-hand with highlighting a variety of emerging and established artists through a series of weekly live performances and an online sweepstakes on @UltimateEarsPro social channels. Ultimate Ears will be giving away music creation headphones, speakers, and microphones.


Sensaphonics is offering free email consultation with Dr. Michael Santucci for music industry professionals with questions regarding their personal hearing health concerns. These will be private consultations, so questions and topics can be specific. Emails will go directly to Dr. Santucci, who will reply directly and confidentially. No emails or responses will be published or made public. Questions can be submitted at:


Jerry Harvey and Kevin Glendinning share stories from the road and monitoring advice during their Instagram Live Q&A series.


Students across the country are struggling to adjust to virtual learning. Unfortunately, this change has made the socioeconomic disparities even more apparent. Not all students have the resources needed to give them access to this new style of education. So EVEN initiated discussions with the New York Department of Education to provide headphones to students most in need.

And of course — all founding IEMITO members made a substantial donation to CREW NATION through their IEMITO annual dues.


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1 Year Later & I Am Amazed by Our Resilience. Thank you.
I have to be honest. I thought things would be much worse.
August 22, 2021
Minutes from the 1st Annual IEMITO Meeting
For anyone who missed the meeting, here's a full audio transcript of Dr. Santucci talking about dB Check and Andy Bellavia talking about the Hearable Explosion.
September 19, 2021
Immersive In-Ear Mixing Courses Offered by KLANG
Mike Dias — Executive Director of IEMITO — to be part of KLANG ongoing 'How Do You Immerse' video series.
August 22, 2021