64 Audio Winter 2021 Livestream Event

64 Audio introduced new sales and customer service team members as well as offered sneak peaks for the rest of 2021.

This article is Authorized by the In-Ear Monitor International Trade Organziation

This is a new announcement from one of our founding members. Our members are always pushing the boundaries of what is sonically possible for in-ear monitoring.


February 15, 2021

“Our first livestream event, as well as planned future livestreams, has been designed to educate and inform our customers and potential new customers on who we are what we are up to, special opportunities for our customers and artists, as well as give them a glimpse on what’s on the horizon here at 64 Audio" said Vitaliy Belonozhko, 64 Audio Founder and Chief Technical Officer.

During the more than one-hour-long livestream event, those who watched met the 64 audio sales and customer service teams, 64 Audio’s dealers and distributors, and learned more about why musicians should transition to IEMs during a Q&A session.

“What we were really excited about during the livestream,” explained Jazmin Moreno, 64 Audio Chief Marketing Officer, “was announcing the kickoff of our brand new 64Audio Latin and Worship Musician Artist Programs, and a new products sneak peek.”

In addition to announcing the 64Audio Latin and Worship Musician Artist Programs, Moreno explained that throughout the year, livestream viewers will get a behind the scenes sneak peek at all of the fun content and collaborations 64 Audio will be releasing in 2021.


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